where you are โžœ where you want to go

The GPS framework for achieving anything you want๐Ÿ†

The GPS Framework

Iโ€™m going to show you a simple yet effective framework that will transform how you approach achieving goals in life.

Today I figured I would make some funny drawings to illustrate it in action, so If you think they are too bad, please reply and let me know lol.

Anyway, here we go:


First of allโ€ฆ let’s meet Bob:

Bob is thinking "I don't even know what I am doing"

He doesnโ€™t have any idea where he wants to go.

Where the wind blows, thatโ€™s where he goes.

He believes that life happens to himโ€”and he doesnโ€™t have any say in the matter.

How can Bob achieve what he wants if he doesnโ€™t even know what he wants?

The solution?

Setting goals.


1. Goal

Until you define where you want to go and set your intention to go there.

Life will always be happening for you, and you wonโ€™t be able to design it yourself.

Ok then, letโ€™s see how Bob is doing now that he knows where he wants to go:

Bob is thinking "How do I get there"

You see, goals are important to setting a direction, but they are far from being enough.

Both winners and losers have goals.

There are plenty of poor people with goals of becoming rich or unhealthy people with goals of becoming healthy, and how many of them actually achieve them?

That takes us to Step 2 of the GPS framework, which is to plan the path to your goal.

2. Plan

After setting the intention of where you want to go, what differentiates winners from losers is that the winner always thinks about planning the path on how to get there.

What is the path from where you are to where you want to be?

If you want to get healthy, will you start exercising? will you do a diet? intermittent fasting?

If you want to get rich, what type of business will you build? real-estate? SaaS? coaching? etc.

Whatโ€™s the best and most efficient way to where you want to where you want to go?

However, the goal here is not about getting trapped overthinking every detail of planning, just enough to give you more clarity on how to achieve your goal.

Ok, now letโ€™s get back to Bob:

Bob is thinking "I know where to go ad how to get thereโ€”what is missing?"

Over 90% of New Year’s Resolutions fail by week 2 of February, and only 1% actually make it through the whole year.

What do those 1% do that the others donโ€™t?

All of those people had a goal, some had a plan to achieve it, and even fewer had a system to ensure their success.

3. System

Goals are for setting the intention where you want to go.

Plans are for knowing the path to get there.

Systems are for making sure you keep moving towards the path to your goal.

For example:

  • Goal: Lose 20kg of weight.

  • Plan: Start exercising.

  • Systems: Go to the gym 3x times every week after work.

What was different about those people who managed to keep their New Year resolutions was that they developed systems to make sure they would move toward their goals.

It’s one thing to say, โ€œI have the goal of losing weight.โ€ and another to say, โ€œI will exercise every morning after breakfast three times per week.โ€

Let’s see how Bob is doing now:

Bob is thinking "I'm gonna kill one goomba every day until I reach the castle"
Bob happy with princess peach


Ok, jokes aside, here you have it, the GPS framework for achieving anything you want:

The GPS Framework

Bringing it home

The GPS Framework:

  1. Goal: Set the intention and know where you want to go. (ex: losing weight)

  2. Plan: Think about your path to get to your goal. (ex: exercising)

  3. System: Develop a system to make sure you keep moving consistently in the path towards your goal. (ex: going to the gym 2x every week after before)

Choose one insight from today and take action on it.

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โ€” Idris Moura

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Idris Moura

Creator and writer of the Curiosity Fuel newsletter. Exploring my curiosity and sharing ideas and frameworks to fuel your personal growth, without all the bullshit. Read my full story on About Me.

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