Why Every Top Performer Swears by the Weekly Review

The Ultimate Guide to Weekly Reviews [Notion Template Included]

journal inside bag

I know why you are here.

You want a change that will make you more productive.

But here is the catch:

You can only change something when you are aware of what needs to be changed in the first place.

And that’s where The Weekly Review joins in.

The weekly review will boost your productivity by 3x, by only spending 30 minutes of your time, each week.

Here is a system you can use for reflecting and celebrating your progress, so you can accomplish your goals and live a more fulfilling life .

Table of Contents

What is a Weekly Review?

The weekly review is an idea popularized by the methodology of the productivity expert David Allen’s, Getting Things Done (GTD).

It consists of allocating a set of time each week to reflect on how you spent your time, on what tasks, what went well, what went wrong, and plan/prioritize for your week ahead.

Here are some of the principles under it:

  • Get Clear – Process any loose ends and reflect on the past week.

  • Get Current – Set priorities for the upcoming week.

  • Get Creative – Create new ideas and solutions related to your work.

Why do a Weekly Review?

A weekly review is a practice that consumes so little time but produces astonishing results for your productivity and clarity of mind.

A lot of high performers around the globe do a weekly review, like Bill Gates who has been doing it for more than 20 years, Tim Ferriss , Mark Zuckerberg , Ali Abdall , James Clear , and the list goes on and on….

The weekly review allows them to improve week by week how they spend time, so they get closer to their goals.

continuous improvement illustrated over a year inpfgraphic
The Power of Continuous Improvement

The good news is that anyone can start doing weekly reviews, independently of your goals and your background.

Here is how to do it:

How to do a Weekly Review?

First, you reflect on what you accomplished last week, and how you spent your time answering these questions:

  • What went right last week? How can I repeat this in the future?

  • What went wrong last week? How can I avoid this in the future?

Then you plan and prioritize tasks for your next week ahead, and meditate on what you can improve.

Finally, you can also journal and work on your vision , so you make sure you are getting closer to where you really want to be.

Here are 3 of my favorite journaling prompts that I use in my weekly reviews:

  • What could I do today that would make my life in 3 years better?

  • Who am I without achievement?

  • What does it mean to make an impact?

I have made a free Notion Template that goes in-depth, step by step for writing your weekly reviews.

It covers all 4 pillars, Time and Task Audit , Journaling , Planning and Prioritization, and Vision Setting .


The weekly review is a simple, but powerful tool for improving your productivity, reducing stress, and achieving your goals. If you’re not already doing weekly reviews, I encourage you to give it a try.

I hope you got something valuable in this edition of Curiosity Fuel, and thank you for reading, it means the world.

It’s always an honor to be in your inbox, until next Sunday. πŸ‘‹

β€” Idris Moura

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Idris Moura

Creator and writer of the Curiosity Fuel newsletter. Exploring my curiosity and sharing ideas and frameworks to fuel your personal growth, without all the bullshit. Read my full story on About Me.

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