Stop expecting figs on winter

Embracing the seasons of life โ˜€๏ธ

leafs of different colors of different seasons


Life is much like the seasons.

Sometimes itโ€™s hot, sometimes itโ€™s raining. Tough, if you use the weather you are given you will always find a way to thrive.

Unhappiness is wishing to go to the beach when itโ€™s winter or wanting to ski in summer.

Happiness is embracing the opportunities you have now, in this moment.

Table of Contents

1. Thinking in seasons

There was a time when you were a kid and you couldnโ€™t even walk. There was a time when you were in school for the first time. There was a time when you left your parentโ€™s home and couldnโ€™t even cook a basic meal.

Life is seasonal.

I don’t know in which season of life you are. But one thing I know for certain.

If you spend your time worrying about the seasons to come, or the seasons that already passed you will never be happy.

Just think about it…

โ€ฆif you spent the energy that you consume worrying about future seasons and seasons in the past and used it to get the most out of your current seasons and opportunities you have right now, how much further would you go in life?

The bottom line?

As Marcus Aulerius the Stoic philosopher once said:

2. Embrace what is not in your control

Maybe you are in a season where you need to put diapers on your kids, or you are studying intensely for the university exams to come, or you have a work project that needs to be completed by an apparently impossible deadline.

Whatever it may be. The pivotal question you need to ask is:

โ€œIs it in your control”?

If it is, good, go do something about it.

If itโ€™s not, why would you waste your energy thinking about it then?

Complaining and blaming will not take you anywhere.

What if instead of wishing to control what you canโ€™t control, you focus on controlling how you react to it ?

You canโ€™t control the deadlines that your boss puts on your projects, but you can certainly control how you react you it. Will you blame, resent, and drain your energy complaining? Or will you take charge of how you respond to it, not letting it ruin your day? With lightness, and maybe, who knows, even joy!

Bringing it home

  1. Life is seasonal : If you spend your time worrying about the seasons to come, or the seasons that already passed you will never be happy.

  2. Embrace what is not in your control : You canโ€™t control what happens to you, but you can always control how you react to what happens to you.


As always, choose one insight from today and take massive action on it.

Itโ€™s always an honor to be in your inbox.

To your rapid growth and transformation,

โ€” Idris Moura

Last weekโ€™s newsletter was about the biggest lie of modern work culture and why obsessing with optimizing might not make you more productive.

In case you missed it, here’s your chance to catch up โ†’ (The biggest lie of modern work culture)

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Idris Moura

Creator and writer of the Curiosity Fuel newsletter. Exploring my curiosity and sharing ideas and frameworks to fuel your personal growth, without all the bullshit. Read my full story on About Me.

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